Home » Full Day Tour » East Bali with Kerta Gosa Park

East Bali with Kerta Gosa Park

About Trip

East Bali with Kerta Gosa Park is a Bali Full Day Tour Packages to visit Kerta Gosa Park with cool atmosphere. For those of you who really like the beauty of natural panoramas, then this Full Day Tour is perfect for you, where you will visit Goa Lawah Temple, Kerta Gosa Park, Besakih Temple, and Tenganan Village. Have fun in this one day tour to East Bali.

Destination :

  • Goa Lawah Temple
  • Kerta Gosa Park
  • Besakih Temple
  • Tenganan Village

Price For The Tour :

  • USD 47/person ( Solo Traveller )
  • USD 25/person ( Minimum Booking 2 Person )
  • USD 18/person ( Minimum Booking 4 - 5 Person )

Include :

  • Petrol
  • Car with Air Conditioner
  • Parking Fee
  • English Speaking Driver
  • Bottle Water for 1 Person

Not Include :

  • Entrance Ticket to Tourist Attraction
  • Lunch & Dinner

Information :

  • Tour Duration 10 Hours
  • In addition to destnation that we provide in the tour, you can also request or custom your travel destinations while in bali
  • During our trip, all of you also can do or stop some places for shopping

Detail Trip

The name Goa Lawah is derived from two words: goa meaning ‘cave’ and lawah meaning ‘bat’. It is important to underline that Hindus visiting Goa Lawah Temple do not worship the bats and cave; they worship God, Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa whose manifestation as Dewa Maheswara is believed to reside at Goa Lawah Temple. This temple is one of the Sad Kahyangan, the six main temples in Bali, and is situated under a hill known as Bukit Sari, and close to the beach, Pantai Goa Lawah. It is thus believed to possess natural spirits from both the hill and sea.
Goa Lawah Temple’s status as a Sad Kahyangan means that Hindus from all over Indonesia are able to worship in this public temple, without any distinction as to family, caste or geographical background.
Goa Lawah Temple was founded around the 11th century AD. This temple was founded in 929 Saka or 1007 AD on the initiative of Mpu Kuturan, advisor to King Anak Wungsu. It is also mentioned that in the 14th century AD, this temple underwent restoration and expansion of the complex. According to local people's beliefs, this cave passage is connected to the mouth of the King's Cave in the Besakih Temple Complex, which is about 30 kilometers away. However, in 1917, the passage collapsed due to a major earthquake.
The concept of natural balance which is closely related to the existence of Gua Lawah makes it the center of worship of Bhatara Tengahing Segara, the representation of God in the form of the caretaker of the oceans. In addition, Gua Lawah is also a place of worship for Dewa Maheswara who is the ruler of the southeastern cardinal directions in Balinese Hindu mythology.


Kerta Gosa park attractions are sometimes written as Kertha Gosa, which used to be part of the Klungkung royal building complex. The Klungkung royal complex was built in 1686 by the first power holder, Ida I Dewa Agung Jambe. But in 1908, almost all the buildings of the Klungkung kingdom were destroyed due to the Dutch colonial invasion. Bale Kertha Gosa was not immediately built in 1686 along with the construction of the Klungkung kingdom. However, Bale Kertha Gosa was built at the end of the 18th century, and its location is at the northeast end of the Klungkung kingdom area. In ancient times, the function of Bale Kertha Gosa was to discuss the situation of security, justice and prosperity of the Balinese kingdom, and in ancient times it was also functioned as a court in Bali.
The main thing that attracts the Kerta Gosa park is the architecture of the building that characterizes the Balinese architecture of the 17th century. The beauty of the architecture is especially seen in the Bale Kambang building, which is surrounded by a pond called Taman Gili. Because there is a pond surrounding Bale Kambang, to be able to enter the Bale Kambang building area, visitors will pass a bridge made of bricks. The uniqueness of the Bale Kambang and Bale Kertha Gosa buildings, is in the roof of the building. On the ceiling of the roof of the building there is a Wayang painting that depicts the case being tried, as well as the type of punishment that will be received, if you make a mistake.
Bali Besakih Temple is the biggest Hindu temple in Bali which the local people call Pura Besakih. It owns beautiful view from the top of temple area where we can see the wide nature panorama until to the ocean so that way this temple is many visited by tourists from all over the world. Besakih Temple is located in Besakih countryside, Rendang sub district, Karangasem regency, east part of the island. It is located in southwest side bevel of mount Agung, the biggest mounts in Bali. It is because pursuant to Agung Mount confidence is holiest and highest mount in Bali Island.
Bali’s “mother temple”, Besakih temple, is over 900 metres up the slopes of Gunung Agung. It has been regarded as a holy place since pre-historic times in Bali. The first recorded mention of its existence is from an inscription that dates from 1007 A.D. Since the Gelgel dynasty of the fifteenth century it has been regarded as a central, holy temple for the entire island.
All the allegiances of the Balinese people come together at Besakih. Each regency has its own temple within the over-all compound, as do each of the caste groups. There is a total of 18 separate sanctuaries. The three main temples are : Pura Penataran Agung, Dedicated to Sang Hyang Widi Wasa : Pura Kiduling Kreteg, dedicated to Brahma; and Pura Batu Madeg, dedicated to Wisnu.
To the Balinese a visit to the temple sanctuaries at Besakih temple is a special pilgrimage. Each temple has its own odalan, or anniversary celebration, and on the full moon of the Balinese month “Kedasa” the entire compound of Besakih celebrates the visit of the gods, with an enormous throng of visiting pilgrims. Located at: Besakih Village, Rendang District, Karangasem Regency

Tenganan is a traditional village on the island of Bali. This village is located in Manggis District, Karangasem Regency in the east of the island of Bali. Tenganan can be reached from the Candi Dasa tourism site and is located about 10 kilometers from there.
Tenganan Village is a village in Karangasem Regency which is a village of Native Bali or also known as Bali Aga. Before the 1970s, it was known by anthropologists to be one of the most secluded societies of the archipelago. Since the development in communications, then the local government try to break the secluded situation and open up the area for public and make it as one of the tourism object in Karangasem Regency. In Tenganan Village, the people are still holds to the Bali Aga culture such as the original traditions, ceremonies, and rules of ancient Balinese, as well as the village layout and architecture. This village is also known for its Gamelan Selundunding music and Geringsing Double Ikat textiles. For the information, Houses in Tenganan is quite unique.
Mata pencaharian peduduk desa Tenganan Karangasem, umumnya sebagai petani padi. Sebagian kecil ada juga sebagai pengerajin. Penduduk di desa Tenganan Karangasem dalam membuat hasil kerajinan masih menggunakan metode lama yang diwariskan oleh leluhur mereka. Kerajinan khas penduduk desa antara lain, anyaman bambu, ukir – ukiran, lukisan diatas daun lontar serta kain tenun.

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